Cross-sectional Workshop I: Challenges in visualization of complex data
organized by Sebastian Leidel (MPI for molecular Biomedicine, Muenster) and Bianca Habermann (MPI of Biochemistry, Martinsried).
In the workshop, we will explore the challenges in complex data visualization from different angles. We will investigate, which types of data are out there and how they can best be visualized to allow information extraction ‘at a glance’. We will look at the interaction between (wo-)man and machine and look at data visualization from a historical perspective.
Confirmed Speakers:
Hans-Christian Hege (ZIB Berlin)
Alexei Matveev (MPI for Religious and Ethnic Diversity)
Moritz Stefaner (Truth & Beauty)
Daniel Margulies (MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences)
Jose Villaveces (MPI of Biochemistry)
Mario Barbatti (MPI für Kohleforschung)
Manuel Corpas (BioJS)
Veronika Lipphardt (MPI for the History of Science)
Lewis Chuang (MPI for Biological Cybernetics)
Krishna Gummadi (MPI for Software Systems)